Wednesday, 28 September 2011

** WIP **

Its been ages since I took part in WIP over at Tamis blog, pregnancy brain makes me forget haha.

I've quickly snapped a pic of my Golden Wheat Cardigan

Made a few changes to pattern...

stocking stitch on the front instead of reverse
no decreases at the sides
made with smaller needles
increases for sleeves are KFB instead of M1s

Given myself until the weekend to get it finished *fingers crossed*

A more important WIP is still taking place

35+ weeks now and I'm more than ready to meet the little fella!!
Roll on Halloween (his due date)



pinkundine said...

Your baby is due on Hallowe'en? Cool!

Love your other WIP too ;)

Rhian said...

Love the cardigan & congratulations on baby. My Little One is just 4 weeks old. Hope it all goes well.

knottygal said...

A halloween baby?! how cute!

MarmePurl said...

There is no greater WIP than life itself...

Karen said...

That is so fun that your baby is due on Halloween! Good luck to you both.

Unknown said...

Good luck on finishing the sweater and your little goblin!

Amy said...

I love the color on your cardi! And you must be so happy that it is almost time to meet your baby :)

Paula said...

Both your WIPs -- belly and sweater look like they're coming along nicely! You'll have to post lots of pics when they're done!

Leah said...

Excellent WIPs both. Congratulations :)

Tanya said...

what a lovely looking belly!! xxx