Monday, 24 October 2011

** Today **

She turned 10!!!

How did that happen?

Wheres the time gone??

Her face was a picture this morning when she opened her main present... a laptop.

She wanted McMuffins for breakfast from the golden arches and dinner at The Harvester so we obliged, only cos it meant I could have a Rocky Horror ice cream *bloody gorgeous*

Just finished making her cake =)
I can finally use this...

Can't wait to have a slice of that shortly =)

In other news...

due date is fast approaching, it can't come quick enough, getting really uncomfortable now, 7 days and counting!!

My crochet blanket for bump is coming along a treat as is the knitted chevron blanket for the sofa

Its grown alot since this pic was taken =)


1 comment:

Nat said...

Woah! Can't believe she's ten! Hope she had a great day :) Nice seeing your sunburst grannies, haven't worked on mine for ages so will dig them out I think if I ever get a spare moment to myself! Good luck for the next week, hope he doesn't keep you waiting too long to make his appearance xxx