Wednesday, 30 November 2011


As the 'Little Fella' is getting into abit more of a routine I'm finding it easier to pick up my needles or hooks and having a bit of time playing with lovely yarn (the rest of the housework can wait, it ain't going nowhere!)

I've got 2 WIPs on the go.....

my gorgeous chevron blanket which I'm absolutely loving doing...

....about two thirds finished now.

In return for making me a couple of felt Christmas tree decorations I'm making my BSIL a cowl, started yesterday and hoping to have it finished later today..

Just rows of knit and purl, easier to pick up at the moment without worrying about losing where I am in the pattern if it was cable or lace.

Right off to see everyone elses WIPs over on Tami's blog



pinkundine said...

The chevron blanket looks amazing, I love it :) The cowl looks lovely and squishy too :)

Nicole said...

I am in love with the colors of that blanket, they look fantastic!

Minding My Own Stitches said...

I'm going to gush over that blanket too! It's tremendous! Really striking!

Isaida said...

Love the chevron blanket! I have a few blanket patterns queued. Thinking of making it a year long project. Might have to check out chevron.

Laura said...

I absolutely love that blanket. The colours work so beautifully together.

I love having projects that I can just pick up and work on. It's so nice to give your brain a rest sometimes!

Christine said...

I absolutely love your blanket! such amazing colours :)

Marie/Underground Crafter said...

The chevron blanket is stunning!

Terrie said...

Your blanket is gorgeous!

Cathy C said...

Love your chevron Sarah, such gorgeous colours! You're so so clever!