The time is flying, been meaning to blog for the last few days but life keeps getting in the way!
Did you have a lovely long weekend?
We spent the weekend watching the jubilee celebrations on the tv, on Monday we packed up a picnic and took the kids to the park where the celebrations were in full swing with kids entertainment, live music etc but it started to turn abit chilly so we ate our picnic went back to the car and headed over to BSILs for their street party, what a lovely sight that was, the road was closed, music blaring and everyone having a good ole time.
The kids had their faces painted but I forgot to take pics, I have got a picture of little miss as a lion from a couple of weekends ago

The two older rugrats went with their dad down to granny's for the weekend leaving me with the two smaller ones....I tried and I mean tried REALLY hard to get Isla to go too but she was having none of it ...DRAT!
Anyway we ended up at the garden centre so she could paint/decorate a birdbox and while we were waiting for it to dry she had the above done to her face :-)
How come the weathers changed?
Someone up there must of known that Keith started his new job this week....he now works away all week!!!
I'm finding entertaining 4 kiddos quite challenging this week especially as the weather is absolutely pants, I can't even go down to mums as they've packed up the VW and gone camping, I did say to mum she planned that well and she started laughing.
Theres only so much bickering and fighting this harassed mum can take at the moment!!

.....even though he's full of a cough and a cold, tixylix and karvol are doing the job :-)
Hard to believe he's 7 months old now, the stairgates will be going up shortly especially as hes rolling all over the place, yesterday he was like a wriggly worm and moving backwards, he spotted the kids 'wish book' (Argos catalogue) on the floor and that was it, he was shuffling backwards until he got it and then ripped the front cover off it!!
My sewing machine is now out of storage and I may have accidentally brought some charm packs off Etsy to make some things.
I did buy some Moda 'Reunion' a couple of months ago

to make a couple of things but its sat in the cupboard ever since....this girl needs to get on and use it!!!
Harassed mum of 4!
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