Sunday, 30 October 2011

Welcome to the World...

....Aaron Matthew

Arrived on the 28th October at 13.33
Weighing 8lbs 9oz

Had to have a c section after finding out on Wednesday that he was lying transverse (sideways)

The pain and anxiousness of having to have a section were worth it as hes absolutely perfect and completes our family *heart*



Rachel said...

CONGRATULATIONS hes completely gorgeous, well done to both of you, hope you recover well xx

Gems said...

Huge congratulations :) He is absolutely gorgeous! xxxx

Lorna @scrapsnscribbles/letssewit said...

well done and congrats, he is just gorgeous x x

Tracy said...

Huge congratulations to you all , he's perfectly gorgeous, i love his name too.
Hugs Tracy. x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He's so gorgeous! XXX

Helsbells said...

Many congratulations! He's a little cutie. Hope you manage to get some time to rest and recover x

Nat said...

aaaaah oh my goodness he is gorgeous and doesn't he look just like his older sisters and brother?! Hope you are all doing well and that you are making a good recovery. Lots of love xxx

Louise said...

Huge congratulations Sarah, so pleased he's here safe and sound. Wow he certainly looks like his sisters!!! Just gorgeous x

Cathy C said...

Belated congratulations Sarah! He's absolutely gorgeous!

Cathy C said...

Belated congratulations Sarah! He's absolutely gorgeous!