Thursday 29 October 2009


Eight now,man where does the time go????
She told me when she went to bed that she had a lovely day and that she had some great presents. One of her favourite presents was Guitar Hero for her DS that her bestest aunty and uncle brought her.... Jak, I've finally mastered it LOL!!

We went to the pictures on Tuesday and saw 'Up'.
It was ok,funny in parts,now the film the kids want to see next is 'Planet 51'

Started a new crochet project last night,its for Alfie for Christmas.I've decided the kids are having at least one handmade present this year and as he's been asking for ages for a blanket thats what his handmade item will be...a good old rectangle granny in lovely boyish colours.Searched on the net for a pattern as I didn't know how to start it but do you think I could find one I liked,could I heck as like,so I made it up and so far so good. Any crocheters out there want the pattern?,super easy I tell ya, leave me a comment and I'll get it typed up :-)

Isla is having a handmade doll and Lana is having...haven't a clue yet but no doubt will think of something.

Finally took a few pics of the slouch I made

and gave it to my gorgeous niece as a belated birthday present.Every present we give is belated as we're bloody useless at remembering birthdays in this house unless of course you live here and then you can't help but remember because you're told at least four times a day by the person whose birthday its gonna be LOL

Talking about hats, got to make a couple more for the girls,don't know whether to make some more clouche ones or keep looking on Ravelry

So far I've seen a couple I like but I really like this one

Decided I've got to learn how to knit so I can make litte missy this

Or should I just get my mum to knit it,decisions,decisions

Right back to looking on Ravelry.


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